Tuesday, April 30, 2024

[ Hօɾղ Bεმო Tɾεε VԶ]


➱ Little Branch Home & Garden Decor

●Horn Beam Tree V2● 

● animated so realistic you can almost reach out and touch it


● The Little Branch presents items with 4 seasons menu for your convenience and to ensure you'll be able to find the ideal outdoor decor for your landscaping needs, whether it's scenic countryside or woodland, tropical or desert landscape.


●original high quality original 100% mesh tree to adorn and enhance your virtual world.


● copy/mod


● also included LB_Grass (Mesh), LB_ Grass (Winter),LB_Hill (Low LI), LB_ Hill (winter), LB_ Springweed cluster, LB_ WildGrass (Dry),



• Little Branch In-world MainStore:

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Little Branch’ Marketplace:

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Plurk: ✈ ᶜˡᶤᶜᵏ


Twitter: ✈ ᶜˡᶤᶜᵏ


Website: ✈ ᶜˡᶤᶜᵏ

                                     other items decorated

.a i s l i n g. Stone Floor -Nude
Nutmeg. Garden Bench w/Plaid 
Heart - WILDFLOWERS - Buttercups 
Heart - Wild Flowers - Quenn Ann's Lace 

taken @ Souls of Dreams

ղօ թհօեօsհօթ, ყօմ ցҽե ահɑե ყօմ sҽҽ

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